Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Spiritual Markers

December 3 is a special day for me.  For it was on this day, 13 years ago that I met my beautiful wife Dawn.  Less than a week later we went on our first date; a walk through the Christmas Lights at the Lewis home in Purvis.  I charmed . . . sparks flew . . . romance blossomed . . . and love grew.  Our first date was a wonderful night in which we talked for hours discussing everything from our favorite color to marriage.  (Yes – marriage came up on the first date! – and SHE brought it up)  This was the start of a wonderful relationship that God ordained and blessed from the beginning.  Now I know if you are reading this you are probably impressed that I know the date.  Well, you should be impressed – and I have no choice – she tests me all the time. 

For such a special night, it stands to reason that we both remember this night very well.  In honor of our first date, every year during the Christmas season, we take a night to go back through the lights to remember that special evening, to celebrate our life together, and to thank God for how He has blessed us.  This is a marker for us, reminding us of God’s blessings. 

Perhaps you have something similar for your family; a certain tradition or activity that you do to remember a special occasion.  You have markers that remind you of a great moment, a loved one, a family tradition, etc.  In the Old Testament, Samuel shows us the importance of spiritual markers: 

1 Samuel 7:1-12
So the men of Kiriath Jearim came and took up the ark of the Lord. They brought it to Abinadab’s house on the hill and consecrated Eleazar his son to guard the ark of the Lord. The ark remained at Kiriath Jearim a long time—twenty years in all.  Then all the people of Israel turned back to the Lord. So Samuel said to all the Israelites, “If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the Lord and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.” So the Israelites put away their Baals and Ashtoreths, and served the Lord only.  Then Samuel said, “Assemble all Israel at Mizpah, and I will intercede with the Lord for you.” When they had assembled at Mizpah, they drew water and poured it out before the Lord. On that day they fasted and there they confessed, “We have sinned against the Lord.” Now Samuel was serving as leader of Israel at Mizpah.  When the Philistines heard that Israel had assembled at Mizpah, the rulers of the Philistines came up to attack them. When the Israelites heard of it, they were afraid because of the Philistines. They said to Samuel, “Do not stop crying out to the Lord our God for us, that he may rescue us from the hand of the Philistines.” Then Samuel took a suckling lamb and sacrificed it as a whole burnt offering to the Lord. He cried out to the Lord on Israel’s behalf, and the Lord answered him.  10 While Samuel was sacrificing the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to engage Israel in battle. But that day the Lord thundered with loud thunder against the Philistines and threw them into such a panic that they were routed before the Israelites. 11 The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to a point below Beth Kar.  12 Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
In setting up the stone, Samuel made it known that it was God and God alone that blessed them in battle.  It was God who delivered them.  It was God who blessed them.  Through this marker, all would remember God’s provision, and all would know that it was God who led them and helped them. 
Have you set spiritual markers in your heart and in your life?  Do you recognize moments when God really showed up and showed out in your life?  If not, take a moment today and search your memories and be reminded of how great God has blessed you and how God brought you through ups and downs in life. 
Celebrate the moments of God’s blessings so that you will be reminded of His faithfulness therefore giving you strength to endure the hard times.  Remember the help God has given you so that you may be determined that He will continue to guide you.  Tell others your testimony of how God has helped you so others may know that He is God. 
So go, “raise your Ebenezer.”
**Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Come, thou Fount of every blessing,
                  tune my heart to sing thy grace;
                  streams of mercy, never ceasing,
                  call for songs of loudest praise.
                  Teach me some melodious sonnet,
                  sung by flaming tongues above.
                  Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it,
                  mount of thy redeeming love.

                  Here I raise mine Ebenezer;
                  hither by thy help I'm come;
                  and I hope, by thy good pleasure,
                  safely to arrive at home.
                  Jesus sought me when a stranger,
                  wandering from the fold of God;
                  he, to rescue me from danger,
                  interposed his precious blood.

                  O to grace how great a debtor
                  daily I'm constrained to be!
                  Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
                  bind my wandering heart to thee.
                  Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
                  prone to leave the God I love;
                  here's my heart, O take and seal it,
                  seal it for thy courts above.

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