Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Shield

I love movies.  A good movie provides great entertainment and can even provide an escape from a difficult day.  Of all the movies that I enjoy watching, there is one (well really three) that is/are my absolute favorite:  The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  The battle between good and evil, the growth from foe to friend, the struggle that Frodo has resisting evil, the RETURN OF THE KING!!  Man it just does not get any better than that.  (By the way, the books are amazing too!!)  In one of the final scenes of the third installment, The Return of the King, the good guys are standing outside of the gates of Mordor (that's the place of evil) and find themselves in a brutal battle.  Outnumbered, they quickly become surrounded by the enemy with no hope for escape.  Their leader Aragorn is about to be squashed and killed.  But, as it turns out, when all hope seemed to be lost, evil is destroyed.  Good wins out.  They are rescued.  I am not sure about you, but I find myself feeling like this scene a lot.  Surrounded by enemies, overcome by weakness, caught in fear . . . all hope lost.  

King David found himself in a situation not unlike the one pictured above.  King David found himself in a situation not unlike the one you may be facing today.  He was surrounded by the enemy.  Death was at his door.  However, hope was not lost.  Listen to his words in Psalm 3.  "O Lord, how many are my foes!  How many rise up against me!  Many are saying of me 'God will not deliver him.'  But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.  To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill.  I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.  I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.  Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw;  break the teeth of the wicked.  From the Lord comes deliverance.  May your blessing be on your people."  

Notice David's words.  First he proclaims that God is a shield.  He knows God is for him, and that God is protecting him and he proclaims it.  YOU ARE A SHIELD AROUND ME!  When you are surrounded by enemies today, proclaim that God is your shield.  God is with you;  believe it, proclaim it. Speak it.
David then cries aloud to God.  Do not be afraid to cry out to God.  Pour out your heart to Him.  Are you scared?  Tell him.  Are you weak?  Tell him.  Are you ready to give up?  Tell him.  Wherever you are cry out to God, and listen expectantly for His answer.  

I love the next part.  David lies down in sleep.  Thousands are around him ready to kill him and he sleeps.  There is no way he sleeps if he does not fully trust in God's protection.  He cries out, but he cries out in faith.  David knows that God is his shield and these are not just words to him.  He truly knows that God is protecting him and guiding him.  Therefore he can boldly proclaim that he will not fear his enemies.  

God knows where you are.  God knows what you are going through.  Do not fear the enemies that are around you.  God is with you.  Know also, that unfortunately, David's enemies did not go away immediately.  God does not always remove our enemies right away, but He does provide us the courage, confidence, faith, and spirit to "lie down and sleep; wake again" because the Lord sustains us. Let God be your shield today.  Let God be your strength today.  Let God be your sustaining power today.