Monday, November 29, 2010

The Church

I wonder sometimes, what does God think of the church? And when I say the church, I am speaking of THE Church, the Bride of Christ, the body of believers around the world.  I especially wonder, what does God think of the Church in America?  Is He satisfied with what we are doing, or does He get frustrated with the way we operate.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not writing this to bash the church.  I love the church, but I do get concerned that we are a long way off from what God truly intends for us to be.

I'm reading the Book of Acts and 2 Timothy right now, and find some strong words from Paul to Timothy in Chapter 2.  Phrases jump out at me like "Be Strong", "Remember Christ Jesus", "God's Word is not chained", "quarreling only ruins those who listen", "God's solid foundation stands firm", "Flee from the evil desires of youth", "The Lord's servant must not quarrel", "the Lord's servant must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful."  So many clear instructions from God to Paul to Timothy and to Us regarding the church; yet I see so many of these topics fouled up in The Church today.

Why must we quarrel?  When we quarrel in the church is it not a clear indication that we are focused on our desires and not God's?  If we were all truly engaged with God's plan there would be no need to quarrel.  Yes, I know, the church is made up of humans and we will not all agree.  But why not?  Why can't we look at God's word, agree on it because IT IS God's word, and then follow it.  I love these words, "Gods word is not chained".  God's word is a powerful weapon and tool and help, that is not chained.  It is freely given, freely available, and freely given, yet too often in church we leave it on the shelf and follow our traditions and comforts instead.

If you have ever seen quarreling in the church, or been a part of it, you know that it is immensely uncomfortable and will eat away at your soul for a long time.  Ephesians tells us why.  Paul says "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God".  This statement comes in the midst of a passage on unwholesome talk, bitterness, rage, anger, slander, etc.  We forget that we cause God grief.  We think that when we fight amongst ourselves that it doesn't hurt anyone or anything.  Clearly it Grieves the Holy Spirit.  May the church wake up, get over itself and begin to follow God once again.  We have forgotten our first love, God, and replaced Him with the love for our self, our comforts, and our religion.  Wake Up Church Wake Up!!!

1 comment:

  1. Amen. I believe the world has so infiltrated the church that we hardley even notice it anymore. When we let who, what or where we are divide us, even in the smallest degree, we are setting the Church up for decline. Great post Pippen!
