Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Prayer and Faith

I am guessing that most of you have seen the classic holiday film, “A Christmas Story.”  Perhaps you are one of the many who watch it over and over and over again during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Marathons.  It is truly a classic: the beautiful fra-gi-le’ lamp, double-
dog dares, the bullies, and of course, the Red Rider BB Gun. 

I love Ralphie’s spirit.  He reminds me so much of myself as a kid; imagining scenes of battle in the backyard, wanting a gun more than anything, but thankfully never wearing the bunny outfit. 

What I really loved about this character was the ultimate belief he had that Santa would get him that gun.  He had no doubt that if he could just talk to the “Big Guy” he would get that gun.  He believed. . . . wholeheartedly. 

Now I would never be one to compare God to Santa Claus (although I do believe many people make that mistake), but I would like to look at Ralphie’s belief in what he was asking for and ours.  When he asked, he believed.  Do we believe when we pray to God?  I mean truly believe?

In Acts 12 Peter has been arrested, placed in prison, scheduled for public trial, and eventually execution.  In verse 5 God’s Word tells us “the church was earnestly praying to God for him.”  We do not know exactly what they were praying but I would guess it was a little of all of the following:
o   God please protect Peter.
o   God please give Peter strength to endure.
o   God please bless Peter.

And I guarantee you that many were praying . . . .

·      God please free Peter.

Wouldn’t you imagine that his friends and Christian brothers and sisters were asking God to deliver Peter?  If I get arrested SOMEONE better be praying that I get released.  It is very likely that this was a major prayer request that evening, and that is what makes verses 12-16 so amazing.  Peter is broken out of jail by an angel and he goes to the house where believers are staying and they do not believe it is him.  In fact they tell Rhoda (who answered the door) that she was out of her mind and “it must be his angel.”  Finally, when Peter got them to open the door it says they “were astonished.”

Now I can assure you that these early believers had way more faith than I do so I am not being critical of these heroes of the faith.  However, this passage paints a great picture of how we often limit God and lack proper faith and belief in our prayers.  Too often I am guilty of praying for something, but deep down my faith is not really backing those prayers.  Too often, there is a hint of disbelief in what God can do.  

I am afraid that I would be the one yelling “you’re out of your mind.” 

So I pray today that each of our prayers would have true belief and faith backing them up.  Ralphie believed in what he was asking for and he was asking Santa Claus.  We are talking to the Creator of all things.  Let us all have a little more faith today.  

*Image courtesy of Google Image Search.

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