Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Outsiders

Have you ever felt like an outsider?  I’m not talking about Ponyboy or Sodapop Curtis but a real outsider.  You felt alone, isolated, like no one cared about you or acknowledged you.  I sure have and boy does it stink.  Maybe you just are not popular enough, sophisticated enough, wealthy enough, smart enough, or likable enough to fit in to certain groups and therefore you are an “outsider.”  No matter our age, we can all be left out and neglected.  Isn’t it beautiful that when God looks at mankind He does not see status, wealth, talent, or likability. 

When God sees mankind He sees a bunch of folks that have really fouled things up, but He loves us nonetheless.  God never looks at us and judges us by the aforementioned attributes.  But instead He looks at us with love, forgiveness, and compassion and to those who have given their lives to Christ, He looks at them as Children. 

Children;  not outsiders. 

Therefore the appropriate question to ask ourselves is:  Do we look at people with the same eyes? 

When Peter spoke to the Gentiles who were with Cornelius (Acts 10) he declared “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.”  He closes this brief testimony by stating that “all the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

God does not show favoritism and God’s redemption is for everyone who believes.  Therefore, should we not love with the same attitude?  We should look at all people of all ethnicities, personalities, bank account sizes, and backgrounds with the same love.  We must lift them up, encourage them, teach them, listen to them, and therefore show them the way to God.  For everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness and will be an outsider never again.   

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