Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Boy it has been a while since I last posted.  My apologies. 

It had to be you!!!  You had to be the one picked!!!  WHY????  You're at children's camp or a youth retreat, or maybe a company retreat and the director tells the group that you are about to do a fun exercise to create trust among the group.  So the director goes on to describe what is commonly called "The Trust Fall".  You're thinking to yourself "SWEEEET - I finally get to drop that punk on his head and make him pay for what he has done to me."  But then, the director looks at YOU, not the punk, but YOU and asks YOU to go up on the incredibly high platform and he asks YOU to put your trust in your friends, youth group, coworkers, and he wants YOU to fall backwards into the group.  "WHY?????"

Trust is difficult isn't it?  We often do not trust others, because we have seen them let us down before.  But why is it that we do not trust in God?

Psalm 20:7 says "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God."  I know you're probably not like me, but so often in my life I have put my trust in things.  I have placed my trust in my job, my money, my home, my car, and my stuff.  I trust that these things will bring me peace, happiness, security, hope, and so on.  Therefore, when times are a little difficult, my stress level goes through the roof, because my trust in my stuff.

As my Pastor Shane Freeman has reminded me quite often lately, "All this is gonna burn!" Indeed it will.  All this STUFF will burn, and is going to burn one day.  What remains is God.  What remains is 'Faith, Hope, and Love.'  David reminds us so beautifully in Psalm 20 that our trust is to be in our God.

I think most of us would gladly "say" that we trust in God and that we want to trust in God alone.  However, we are so often guilty of trusting in God, but trying to trust in other things at the same time.  What a dangerous game we play!!! Our trust is to be in God alone.

So where is our trust today?  Are we trusting in our stuff?  Or, will we trust in the Lord our God.  

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