The Bourne Supremacy - what a cool movie!!! Jason Bourne is one bad dude, and he proved his supremacy in the movie by outsmarting, out-shooting, and out-dueling his enemies. Jason Bourne is a great action hero, yet not real. How about the Navy Seals? Now that's supremacy. They proved their supremacy over Osama bin Laden when they burst into his million dollar compound and .... well you know how that turned out. Navy Seals reign supreme, but not supreme over the world.
Colossians 1:15-23 tells us of the ONE who is SUPREME!! Jesus Christ!! "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy." (vv. 17-18) Prior to that Paul writes "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or power or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him."
I have tried to create things before. Epic Fail!! I have tried to put things together. Sometimes I even read the instruction manual. Nine times out of ten, I mess that up too. I am just not a creator and not a builder. About the only thing I can create is a nice flower bed or landscape. In the midst of my inadequacies is Jesus Christ who created ALL Things and ALL Things were created FOR Him. That is supremacy! That gives me Hope! Anytime we fail; anytime we find ourselves beating ourselves up over our shortcomings; may we look to the one who is supreme and find our purpose. May we look to the one who died on the cross for us, and find supreme grace, forgiveness, and mercy .... and then rejoice.
Have you ever found yourself thinking Jesus should play by your rules? Or have you ever found yourself thinking that Jesus Christ is not fair in what He expects of you? Or have you ever found yourself reading something from God's word and what it said just didn't feel comfortable to you so you manipulated it, changed it, and tried to justify your thoughts in the place of His? BE CAREFUL!! We all have done one of these at some point in our lives, but be careful. Jesus Christ is Supreme over the entire universe and His ways are HIS WAYS and His rules are HIS RULES and His words are HIS WORDS. We have no right to make up our own rules. We have no right to change His rules. We have no right to manipulate His teachings.
Let us all start acknowledging the fact that God is GOD. Not a religion, not a custom, not Santa Claus. God is GOD. Jesus Christ is GOD. He does not move at our command, and He does not bend at our will. We breathe because of His grace. We exist because of His love. He deserves our worship, our allegiance, our praise, our service, our honor.....our lives.
I love Jason Bourne. I love the Navy Seals even more. But I want to follow the one who is supreme over all things; Jesus Christ.
Great always. Continue to be used my man.