Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Is God Big Enough? - Part 2

Yesterday I asked the question "How Big is God?"  How you answer that affects how you think God can handle the situations you are going through.  If you believe God is tiny then you most likely feel that God cannot adequately help you through the difficult times in your life.  However, if you believe, as Scripture declares, that God is MIGHTY and AWESOME and POWERFUL then you trust in Him and believe that He can deliver you from anything.

The problem for most of us is that we are unwilling to ask Him for help.  Be it pride or stubbornness, or just plain fear; we often fail to go to God with our needs.  We fail to cry out to Him as He desires us to.

If you need help with this, just flip over to Psalm 69:13-15 and look at the beautiful and honest prayer from David as an example:

  • (13)  But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, at an acceptable time; O God, in the greatness      of Your lovingkindness, Answer me with Your saving truth.  (14) Deliver me from the mire and do not let me sink; May I be delivered from my foes and from the deep waters.  (15) May the flood of water not overflow me Nor the deep swallow me up, Nor the pit shut its mouth on me.
I hope that you will notice a couple of things here:
  1. David proclaimed the lovingkindness of God and His greatness.  Therefore, trust that when you pray that you are praying to the one true God who is loving and who is great.  Furthermore, acknowledge and proclaim His greatness.  Give Him thanks for how great He truly is.  Do not just focus on what He has done for you but just praise Him for who He is.
  2. Cry out for help. Be open, honest, and specific with God.  He is big enough to hear your emotions and He is big enough to handle your honesty.  And finally, He is big enough to help you.  So just go to Him. 
Just go to Him. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is God Big Enough?

How big is God?  Sounds like a question a four year old might ask you doesn't it?  If someone were to ask you that question you might have a difficult time answering it . . . in fact there is no way to truly answer that question on a physical scale.  However, when you are facing the tough situations in life or just having a rough day you might need to stop and ask yourself:  How big is God? The way you view God and the power He possesses will determine how you make it through those rough patches.

You may have heard it said that you need to carry Jesus around in your pocket so you can pull Him out when you need Him.  That sounds cute and all, and may make a nice bumper sticker, but it's kind of ridiculous.  When times get tough we do not need a god that WE CARRY AROUND! We need a God that CARRIES US THROUGH!

Psalm 68:19-20 says: "Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden, the God who is our salvation.  God is to us a God of deliverances; and to God the Lord belong escapes from death."  Trust in these words that the God of the Bible is a God that is there for you and there with you and wants to help you through the rough days in your life.  If you don't think He's big enough to handle your burdens or to deliver you through the rough times then check out the rest of Psalm 68.  Look closely and soak in the descriptions of God such as:

  • "A Father to the fatherless"
  • "God makes a home for the lonely"
  • "When You marched through the wilderness, the earth quaked"
  • "You shed abroad a plentiful rain, O God"
  • "The chariots of God are myriads, thousands upon thousands"
  • "He speaks forth with His voice, a mighty voice"
You see, God is VERY big.  Big enough to handle anything this life throws our way.  We just have to believe that, trust in that, and give our situations over to Him.  Maybe you're a bit like me and you're self-reliant, independent, and have a desire to do things on your own (some people call us stubborn and hard-headed....not sure why).  If you find yourself trying to do things in your own strength then it is difficult for you to ask God to bear your burdens; yet that is exactly the God that He is and wants to be in your life.  So you need to surrender.  You and I need to let go of the things that pain us and burden us and weigh us down and let God do His thing; because He is mighty, powerful, awesome, great, and wonderful and He wants to deliver you.  

So do you view God as one who is big enough to handle your problems?  Look to your BIG God today and trust in Him and surrender to Him so that He may deliver you and walk with you through your burdens today.  He loves you.  

*Photo courtesy of Graceway Media.