Monday, November 29, 2010

The Church

I wonder sometimes, what does God think of the church? And when I say the church, I am speaking of THE Church, the Bride of Christ, the body of believers around the world.  I especially wonder, what does God think of the Church in America?  Is He satisfied with what we are doing, or does He get frustrated with the way we operate.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not writing this to bash the church.  I love the church, but I do get concerned that we are a long way off from what God truly intends for us to be.

I'm reading the Book of Acts and 2 Timothy right now, and find some strong words from Paul to Timothy in Chapter 2.  Phrases jump out at me like "Be Strong", "Remember Christ Jesus", "God's Word is not chained", "quarreling only ruins those who listen", "God's solid foundation stands firm", "Flee from the evil desires of youth", "The Lord's servant must not quarrel", "the Lord's servant must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful."  So many clear instructions from God to Paul to Timothy and to Us regarding the church; yet I see so many of these topics fouled up in The Church today.

Why must we quarrel?  When we quarrel in the church is it not a clear indication that we are focused on our desires and not God's?  If we were all truly engaged with God's plan there would be no need to quarrel.  Yes, I know, the church is made up of humans and we will not all agree.  But why not?  Why can't we look at God's word, agree on it because IT IS God's word, and then follow it.  I love these words, "Gods word is not chained".  God's word is a powerful weapon and tool and help, that is not chained.  It is freely given, freely available, and freely given, yet too often in church we leave it on the shelf and follow our traditions and comforts instead.

If you have ever seen quarreling in the church, or been a part of it, you know that it is immensely uncomfortable and will eat away at your soul for a long time.  Ephesians tells us why.  Paul says "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God".  This statement comes in the midst of a passage on unwholesome talk, bitterness, rage, anger, slander, etc.  We forget that we cause God grief.  We think that when we fight amongst ourselves that it doesn't hurt anyone or anything.  Clearly it Grieves the Holy Spirit.  May the church wake up, get over itself and begin to follow God once again.  We have forgotten our first love, God, and replaced Him with the love for our self, our comforts, and our religion.  Wake Up Church Wake Up!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I just had a wonderful conversation with someone who is somewhat of a treasure hunter;  a seeker of Civil War artifacts with his metal detector.  The History nerd that I am, I was amazed at the beautiful War relics he had in his office.  I love treasure.  I love the adventures of treasure hunters, from men who look for things buried deep within our local areas, or to the fictional characters such as Dirk Pitt in Clive Cussler novels.  Treasure is something of value.  It may be intrinsic value, or it may be monetary value; whatever it is, if it is treasure, it is valuable.  Therefore, in each of our lives, we have treasures that are valuable to us, and therefore kept close to our heart.  Obviously, as God tells us, "where your treasure is there your heart will be also."  I think that is why we so often live painful and stressful lives because our hearts are devoted to the wrong things.

The human heart is a fragile and tender part of who we are and it is eager to give itself away.  Despite how hard we sometimes act, the heart instinctively wants to be given away.  Be it to the pretty girl who sits across from you in class, or to the church that has done so much for you.  Maybe it is the place that has always been home, or the car that just drives faster and looks cooler than any others.  Whatever it is, our heart is looking to be given away.  Therefore, when people fail you, church doesn't go the way YOU want it, that girl talks to someone else, the car gets old or wrecked, and so on, our heart is broken.  That treasure that we had in our heart is gone.  We have lost something of great value to us. 

So the warning of Matthew 6:21 is this.  Be careful where you put your heart because if it is not given to the right thing, you will be hurt, and you will be misguided.  So if we must guard our heart, in order to gain the correct treasure, what must our hearts be set on?  Isaiah 33:5-6 (The Message) "God is supremely esteemed.  His center holds.  Zion brims over with all that is just and right.  God keeps your days stable and secure - salvation, wisdom, and knowledge in surplus, and best of all, Zion's treasure, Fear-of-God"

A God whose center holds, and whose kingdom is overflowing with these great things opened His heart up to us thousands of years ago.  His treasure is His people and He invites us to trust in Him.  he invites us to place Him completely in our heart, and make Him our complete treasure.  Though many have asked Him into their hearts, how many allow Him to become their treasure.  When He is our treasure, our value, our heart beat we will be guided every step, we will see the hurt in different ways, we will be more concerned with the God of the Church rather than the Church, and others WILL see our heart's treasure and be changed.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I started this blog as a place to share thoughts that were running around in my head as well as ideas I had on God's call on our lives.  Little did I know when I started it that I would be reflecting so shortly on such a huge change in my ministry.  My good friend, mentor, and pastor announced last night to the church that he would be resigning at the end of the month.  Obviously, when such a change happens, thoughts flood my little brain at a quick pace.  Church members pose questions.  Friends seek answers.  I seek wisdom.

So what is going to happen to our church now?  A question I have heard a lot in the last 24 hours, and I admit, I have asked the same question myself.  Through prayer and study God led me to what is perhaps one of my favorite passages in the Bible;  Joshua 1; and there I found the answer.

What happens to our church will depend on how its members respond.  In the passage Moses has just passed away, leaving the Israelites without their leader.  I'm sure panic set in among the people.  I'm sure worry, fear, and concern flooded the masses.  Then God calls Joshua out to be the new leader.  I believe Joshua realizes that what lies ahead will not be easy.  Conflict is waiting on the other side.  Problems and challenges are waiting on the other side.  Great Blessings lie on the other side.  However, Joshua is given specific instructions on how to overcome what lies ahead;  these are instructions which I find very useful in the current situation of our church.

1)  God will be with us.  God has promised to be with us and to guide and guard us, but we must remember that He in turn expects our obedience to Him and His purposes.  I do not believe He will be with us if we forsake His mission, or if we depart from His purposes.
2)  Be Strong and Courageous.  Church is not about a pastor, a deacon, a leader in some ministry area.  Church is about glorifying God and strengthening the body of believers.  We must be strong at that, and we must be courageous enough to continue doing what it takes to reach the lost, heal the hurting, and glorify our Heavenly Father.
3)  Obey the Law.  God's word provides all the instructions we need.  Will we love each other as ourself?  Will we GO and make disciples of all?  Will we look after orphans and widows?  Will we keep ourselves pure?  We will forsake all things, all comforts, all personal desires, all self-interests to serve God?  Will we OBEY THE LAW OF GOD or obey what makes us happy?
4)  Be Strong and Courageous.
5)  Work as one.  In the latter part of the chapter we find the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.  These guys were not taking any land across the Jordan, they intended to stay on the eastern side.  However, they stepped away from their self-interests, away from their own desires and worked to help their brothers accomplish the mission of taking the land God had promised.  The church must work as one, sacrificing ourselves when necessary to accomplish what God desires for us.
6)  Be strong and courageous.  Did I mention that already?  God seems to make a big deal of it.  So in case you missed it, be strong and courageous.

God has seen change before.  God is not bothered by change.  What bothers and grieves God is when His people brawl, live in anger, slander, etc. (Ephesians 4:29-32)  Although things come and go, people come and go, technology changes like the wind, God never changes. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Creativity of God

So I've decided to take up this adventure called blogging.  For someone as closed in as me, this is definitely an share my thoughts, to share what is on my here goes nothing.

On a recent trip to the Memphis Zoo I was reminded of how creative God is.  (And for anyone who reads this, to me God is Jehovah God who created the Heavens and the Earth, Jesus Christ who came to earth and died on a cross to provide us salvation, the Holy Spirit who lives in those of us who accept Christ as our Savior)  Face to face with this HUGE Gorilla at the zoo, he looked me directly in my eyes as if contemplating something.  What he was thinking of, I would have loved to have known.  Probably something along the lines of "I wish that goofy looking dude would get out of my face, he better be glad this glass is here."  Anyway, as he looked me in the eyes, I was amazed at how intelligent, strong, yet kind this creature was.  Further along we came to the zebras, an animal that is a favorite among children, yet often overlooked by adults.  Fortunately we stopped and really gazed closely at this extraordinary animal.  An animal that is black with white stripes...or was he white with black stripes?...I can't really remember.  An animal that is striped, and no zebra is marked the same.  How amazing is that?  Further along we found a warthog.  Besides Poomba from "The Lion King", I don't think there has ever been a cute warthog, especially this one.  This had to be one of the ugliest creatures I have ever seen. 
But this is where I got to thinking.  That warthog, that ugly warthog, was actually beautiful.  He is made exactly the way he needs to be to live where and how he lives.  That warthog was beautiful because he was so different.  Now granted, I don't want one as a pet, but he was beautiful because God made him that way for a reason.  Think for a second at all of the animals, flowers, trees, bugs that are in this world, and they all are special.  We have animals in a zoo on display, so we can take pictures, admire, explore, etc. in order to gain a better understanding of creation.

We walk around every day passing humans that are "beautiful" and "ugly" and "attractive" and "average" and "stunning" and so on, and we continually pass judgment based on their looks.  What if I were to picture every one I come in contact with through the eyes of creation, realizing that all creatures are beautiful in their own way...and that way is the fact that God created them.  He made us each different, to accomplish different goals, to reach different people, to meet different needs, but primarily to show off how amazingly creative He really is. 

All types of animals are on display in a zoo for us to spend money and gawk at, and thankfully so.  I love zoos.  But all creation is on display for free around us every day.  Will we open our eyes and begin to stare into the creative beauty of our God.

Romans 1:21